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6th Grade

Arizona Academic Standards: 6.RP.A.3c

Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g., 30% of a quantity means 30/100 times the quantity). Solve percent problems with the unknown in all positions of the equation.

Common Core State Standards: Math.6.RP.3c or 6.RP.A.3.C

Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS): 6.RP.3.c

Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards: 6.RP.3c

Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g., 30% of a quantity means 30/100 times the quantity); solve problems involving finding the whole, given a part and the percent.

Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE): 6.NR.4.6

Calculate a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 and solve everyday problems given a percent.

North Carolina - Standard Course of Study: 6.RP.3.c

Using a unit ratio.

New York State Next Generation Learning Standards: 6.RP.3.c

Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100. Solve problems that involve finding the whole given a part and the percent, and finding a part of a whole given the percent.
e.g., 30% of a quantity means 30/100 times the quantity.

Tennessee Academic Standards: 6.RP.A.3.c

Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g., 30% of a quantity means 30/100 times the quantity); solve problems involving finding the whole, given a part and the percent.

Pennsylvania Core Standards: CC.2.1.6.D.1

Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.

Pennsylvania Core Standards: M06.A-R.1.1.5

Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g., 30% of a quantity means 30/100 times the quantity); solve problems involving finding the whole, given a part and the percentage.

Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE): 6.NR.4.6

Calculate a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 and solve everyday problems given a percent.

Arkansas Academic Standards: 6.NCC.5

Convert between fractions, decimals, and percents in real-world and mathematical problems.

Arkansas Academic Standards: 6.PR.5

Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 and solve problems involving finding the whole when given a part and the percent.

6th Grade Math - Percents Lesson

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