Identify and explain the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Common Core State Standards:
Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE):
Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.
Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks:
Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, mathematical
ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text. For example, as they are learning to subtract numbers within 1,000 in math, students read Shark Swimathon by Stuart Murphy and use mathematical reasoning to keep track of how many laps the shark swim team members swim each in order to predict whether or not the sharks will make their goal.
Tennessee Academic Standards:
Describe the connections between a series of historical events, scientific ideas, or steps in a process in a text.
Pennsylvania Core Standards:
Describe the connection between a series of events, concepts, or steps in a procedure within a text.
2nd Grade Reading - Time, Sequence, and Cause/Effect Lesson
Time, Sequence, and Cause/Effect
In a passage, an author can show how different ideas work together.
For example, the text can explain how time affects something. Or, it can show in what order steps should be done (like making a sandwich) using sequence. The text can also use cause and effect to explain how or why something happened.
When you read, ask yourself how the author shows how the different ideas in the passage work together. Does time affect the ideas? Is the text showing a sequence? Or is the author trying to explain a cause and effect?