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Inferences in Informational Text

5th Grade

Alabama Course of Study Standards: 27

Review the key ideas expressed in a text and draw conclusions, using facts to support them.

Arizona Academic Standards: 5.RI.1

Common Core State Standards: Literacy.RI.5.1

Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE): ELAGSE5RI1

Tennessee Academic Standards: 5.RI.KID.1

Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks: RI.5.1

Quote or paraphrase a text accurately when explaining what the text states explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. (See grade 5 Writing Standard 8 for more on paraphrasing.)

New Jersey Student Learning Standards: RI.5.1

Quote accurately from a text and make relevant connections when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Pennsylvania Core Standards: CC.1.2.5.B

Cite textual evidence by quoting accurately from the text to explain what the text says explicitly and make inferences.

Pennsylvania Core Standards:      E05.B-K.1.1.1

Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences and/or making generalizations from the text.

Arkansas Academic Standards: 5.RC.1.RF

Ask questions about key details in a text.

Arkansas Academic Standards: 5.RC.2.RF

Answer explicit and inferential questions, using details from a text.

Arkansas Academic Standards: 5.RC.5.RF

Use background knowledge and details, including illustrations, charts, and graphs, to make inferences about what happens in a text.

5th Grade Reading - Inferences in Informational Text Lesson
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