Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards:
Spell correctly.
Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks:
Spell correctly, recognizing that some words have commonly accepted variations (e.g., donut/doughnut).
North Carolina - Standard Course of Study:
Consistently apply conventional rules to spell words correctly
Wisconsin Academic Standards:
correct spelling.
Arkansas Academic Standards:
Use knowledge of reading foundational skills, spelling patterns, and generalizations such as syllable patterns, ending rules, and meaningful word parts (i.e., morphology) to spell correctly.
7th Grade Writing - Capitalization Lesson
Important words in a text need to be capitalized. Here are some types of words that should always be capitalized:
I – the letter “I” is always capitalized when used on its own as a pronoun
First word – the first word in a sentence is always capitalized
Titles – the specific titles of people, books, TV shows, movies, songs, poems, works of art, etc.
Names – the names of people, countries, states, languages, holidays, mountains, etc.
Months – all months of the year (January, February, etc.)
Days – the days of the week (Monday, Tuesdays, etc.)
Directions – directions when they refer to a region (They moved from the East)