credit card is a small plastic card issued by a financial institution which can be used to make purchases. The amount charged on the credit card is borrowed by the cardholder from the financial institution. The cardholder is responsible for paying the money back. If the money is not paid back immediately, the cardholder is typically charged interest.
debit card is a small plastic card issued by a bank to an account holder which can be used for electronic transactions, such as purchases and
ATM transactions.
When a payment is made with a debit card, the money comes from the cardholder's bank account.
cash payment is made with currency. Unlike debit cards and credit cards, cash cannot be replaced if it is lost.
check is a written form of payment associated with a bank (or other financial institution) account. The money is deducted from the account associated with the check. Checks can overdraw an account if there is not enough money in the account to pay the check amount.
Being financially responsible means saving money to be prepared for expected and unexpected expenses and spending less money than you earn.
Some of the benefits of financial responsibility are being able to make purchases without using credit, being prepared for unexpected expenses, and being able to afford basic needs.
Some of the costs of financial irresponsibility are needing to use credit to make purchases or to pay for unexpected expenses, or not being able to afford something.