Write Numbers
1st Grade
Alabama Course of Study Standards:
Extend the number sequence from 0 to 120.- Count forward and backward by ones, starting at any number less than 120.
- Read numerals from 0 to 120.
- Write numerals from 0 to 120.
- Represent a number of objects from 0 to 120 with a written numeral
Arizona Academic Standards:
Count to 120 by 1's, 2's, and 10's starting at any number less than 100. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral. |
Common Core State Standards:
New York State Next Generation Learning Standards:
Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral. |
Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE):
Count within 120, forward and backward, starting at any number. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral. |
North Carolina - Standard Course of Study:
Count to 150, starting at any number less than 150. |
Tennessee Academic Standards:
Count to 120, starting at any number. Read and write numerals to 120 and represent a number of objects with a written numeral. Count backward from 20. |
Pennsylvania Core Standards:
Extend the counting sequence to read and write numerals to represent objects. |
Florida - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking:
Starting at a given number, count forward and backwards within 120 by ones. Skip count by 2s to 20 and by 5s to 100. |
Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE):
Count within 120,
forward and backward,
starting at any number. In
this range, read and write
numerals and represent a
number of objects with a
written numeral. |
Arkansas Academic Standards:
Count forward and back within 120 by ones and tens from any given whole number. |
Arkansas Academic Standards:
Read, write, and represent whole numbers up to 120, using concrete models or drawings, word form, base ten numerals, and expanded form. |