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Spelling Patterns

3rd Grade

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): 3.24.B*

spell words with more advanced orthographic patterns and rules:
  1. consonant doubling when adding an ending;
  2. dropping final "e" when endings are added (e.g., -ing, -ed);
  3. changing y to i before adding an ending;
  4. double consonants in middle of words;
  5. complex consonants (e.g., scr-, -dge, -tch); and
  6. abstract vowels (e.g., ou as in could, touch, through, bought)

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): 3.24.D*

spell words with common syllable constructions (e.g., closed, open, final stable syllable)

3rd Grade Writing - Spelling Patterns Lesson

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