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Roots and Affixes

4th Grade

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): 4.22.A*

spell words with more advanced orthographic patterns and rules:
  1. plural rules (e.g., words ending in f as in leaf, leaves; adding -es);
  2. irregular plurals (e.g., man/men, foot/feet, child/children);
  3. double consonants in middle of words;
  4. other ways to spell sh (e.g., -sion, -tion, -cian); and
  5. silent letters (e.g., knee, wring);

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): 4.22.B*

spell base words and roots with affixes (e.g., -ion, -ment, -ly, dis-, pre-)

Arkansas Academic Standards: 4.FR.4.PE

Encode words, using knowledge of Latin prefixes, assimilated prefixes, bases, and suffixes and with the use of connectives as needed.

4th Grade Writing - Roots and Affixes Lesson
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