Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS):
demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge by:
(i) decoding words with consonant changes, including/t/ to/sh/ such as in select and selection and/k/ to/sh/ such as music and musician;
(ii) decoding multisyllabic words with closed syllables; open syllables; VCe syllable; vowel teams, including digraphs and diphthongs; r-controlled syllables; and final stable syllables;
(iii) decoding words using advanced knowledge of syllable division patterns;
(iv) decoding words using advanced knowledge of the influence of prefixes and suffixes on base words; and
(v) identifying and reading high-frequency words from a research-based list;
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS):
identify the meaning of and use words with affixes such as trans-, super-, -ive, and -logy and roots such as geo and photo; and
Florida - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking:
Apply knowledge of Greek and Latin roots and affixes, recognizing the connection between affixes and parts of speech, to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in grade-level content.
5th Grade Reading - Roots & Affixes Lesson
Roots & Affixes
Many words are built from meaningful roots and affixes. Many English words have roots and affixes that are derived from ancient Greek and Latin words. Knowledge of these and other word origins can help you expand your vocabulary and improve your reading comprehension.