Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS):
demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge by:
(i) decoding multisyllabic words with multiple sound-spelling patterns such as eigh, ough, and en;
(ii) decoding multisyllabic words with closed syllables; open syllables; VCe syllables; vowel teams, including digraphs and diphthongs; r-controlled syllables; and final stable syllables;
(iii) decoding compound words, contractions, and abbreviations;
(iv) decoding words using knowledge of syllable division patterns such as VCCV, VCV, and VCCCV with accent shifts;
(v) decoding words using knowledge of prefixes;
(vi) decoding words using knowledge of suffixes, including how they can change base words such as dropping e, changing y to i, and doubling final consonants; and
(vii) identifying and reading high-frequency words from a research-based list;
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS):
demonstrate and apply spelling knowledge by:
(i) spelling multisyllabic words with closed syllables; open syllables; VCe syllables; vowel teams, including digraphs and diphthongs; r-controlled syllables; and final stable syllables;
(ii) spelling homophones;
(iii) spelling compound words, contractions, and abbreviations;
(iv) spelling multisyllabic words with multiple sound-spelling patterns;
(v) spelling words using knowledge of syllable division patterns such as VCCV, VCV, and VCCCV;
(vi) spelling words using knowledge of prefixes; and
(vii) spelling words using knowledge of suffixes, including how they can change base words such as dropping e, changing y to i, and doubling final consonants;
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS):
identify the meaning of and use words with affixes such as im- (into), non-, dis-, in- (not, non), pre-, -ness, -y, and -ful; and
Florida - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking:
Use knowledge of grade-level phonics and word-analysis skills to decode words.
a. Decode words with common Greek and Latin roots and affixes.
b. Decode words with common derivational suffixes and describe how they turn words into different parts of speech. (e.g., -ful, -less, -est).
c. Decode multisyllabic words.
Florida - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking:
Identify and apply knowledge of common Greek and Latin roots, base words, and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in grade-level content
Arkansas Academic Standards:
Decode words, using knowledge of most common Latin prefixes, bases, and suffixes including inflectional and derivational suffixes.
3rd Grade Reading - Affixes Lesson
An affix is a wordpart that can be added to a word or root.