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Compare Decimals

5th Grade

Alabama Course of Study Standards: 4.b

Arizona Academic Standards: 5.NBT.A.3b

Common Core State Standards: Math.5.NBT.3b or 5.NBT.A.3.B

Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS): 5.NBT.3.b

Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards: 5.NBT.3b

Compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE): 5.NR.4.2

Represent, compare, and order decimal numbers to the thousandths place based on the meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

North Carolina - Standard Course of Study: 5.NBT.3.b

Compare two decimals to thousandths based on the value of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

Wisconsin Academic Standards: 5.NBT.A.3.b

Compare decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place and describe the result of the comparison using words and symbols ( >, =, and < ).

Pennsylvania Core Standards: CC.2.1.5.B.1

Apply place-value concepts to show an understanding of operations and rounding as they pertain to whole numbers and decimals.

Pennsylvania Core Standards: M05.A-T.1.1.4

Compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place using >, =, and < symbols.

Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE): 5.NR.4.2

Represent, compare, and order decimal numbers to the thousandths place based on the meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

Arkansas Academic Standards: 5.NPV.5

Compare two decimals to thousandths based on the value of the digits in each place, using symbols (<, =, >) to record the results of comparisons.

5th Grade Math - Compare Decimals Lesson
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