Florida - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking:
Follow the rules of standard English grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling appropriate to grade level.
3rd Grade Writing - Regular and Irregular Verbs Lesson
Verb tense
Verbs have three different tenses: the present, the past, and the future.
Simple present tense
Simple present tense tells about an action that is going on now. The verbs often end in “-s” or “-es” or have no change.
Examples: I dance. She dances.
Simple past tense
Simple past tense tells about an action that happened in the past. Most past tense forms of the verbs end in “-ed.” Some verbs are irregular and have different past tense form. You must remember the past tense forms of irregular verbs.
Examples: (regular verb) I danced. (irregular verb) She fell.
Simple future tense
Simple future tense tells about an action that is going to happen. It uses the word “will” and the verb.
Examples: I will be six soon. They will go to Colorado next year.