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8th Grade

Florida - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking: MA.8.DP.2.1

Determine the sample space for a repeated experiment.

Florida - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking: MA.8.DP.2.2

Find the theoretical probability of an event related to a repeated experiment.

Florida - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking: MA.8.DP.2.3

Solve real-world problems involving probabilities related to single or repeated experiments, including making predictions based on theoretical probability.

Arkansas Academic Standards: 8.SP.4

Determine the sample space and use the sample space to determine the theoretical probability of a given set of outcomes for compound experiments, using organized lists, tables, or tree diagrams.
  • Compound experiments include a combination of two different experiments.

Arkansas Academic Standards: 8.SP.5

Determine theoretical and experimental probabilities of compound experiments.

Arkansas Academic Standards: 8.SP.6

Use theoretical probability of an event in a compound experiment to predict the number of times that event will occur for a large number of experiments.

8th Grade Math - Probability Lesson

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