Learning Farm is an easy to use classroom resource that covers all of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks in an engaging format.
Students receive computer adaptive practice and instruction for all standards while the program collects valuable diagnostic data and makes
it available to teachers in easy to read reports. Each standard is thoroughly covered with an interactive lesson and instructional
practice items in varied formats that are supported by immediate feedback and additional instruction.
Learning Farm is an ideal classroom or school-wide resource that supports the transition to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and
the MCAS.
The program includes Math and English language arts (ELA) in grades K through 8.
Learning Farm's design takes advantage of the latest technology in today's Web browsers and tablets.
The rigorous math and ELA content provides a deep and thorough coverage of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks in grades K-8.
Learning Farm has developed a sophisticated, dynamic math engine and short-answer response system that delivers an unparalleled math resource for students.
For example, Learning Farm dynamically draws geometric shapes and other images in practice items. This provides students with a wide variety of items in various formats to keep them engaged and learning.
Learning Farm goes beyond multiple choice-students will see a broad variety of item formats including short-answer response, multi-answer, and the interactive drag-and-drop items seen on today's modern assessments.
Learning Farm's extensive library of literary and informational texts include over 3,500 original reading passages. Students will read and analyze a wide variety of texts written for their grade level. With practice items targeted toward each MCF including inferences, summarizing, reading comprehension, and many more, students will learn and practice essential literacy skills.
Technical Information
Learning Farm's integrated games are designed like many of today's popular apps and games that students use every day. They provide maximum motivation and encouragement to young learners. As their academic and game play performance improves, students are rewarded with enhanced game play options. This creates a fun and motivating environment centered on academic achievement.
Students of all levels of proficiency will find content on Learning Farm targeted to their skill level. If a student struggles with a particular skill, the program automatically adapts and generates lower-level material to challenge students at the appropriate skill level. Educators know that when students become engaged and take control of their own learning path, they achieve new levels of success!
Learning Farm can be easily implemented in a single classroom or school-wide. Students can use Learning Farm on their own or in a classroom or computer lab environment. Teachers have access to clear and relevant progress reports on student achievement. The various reports include a Live View feature, which shows the teacher what students are working on and how they are doing in real-time. This is a valuable resource for educators in the classroom or computer lab.
Learning Farm also includes a very easy-to-use worksheet builder that enables teachers to create unlimited customized worksheets in seconds. The assignment manager enables teachers to create specific assignments for individual students or groups of students in order to provide differentiated instruction. The assignment feature is also perfect for homework.