What teachers are saying ...
4.5 out of 5 stars!
"I love this program because it allows me to diversify learning needs, to foster independent learning, and to reinforce mastery learning... This program is the best thing I've seen for my kids in the 15 years that I've taught."
"For the past 5 years now, I have been using Learning Farm for intervention, assessment and guided math centers. It has been an invaluable tool that has enriched the lives of all my students. It has helped me to remediate and enrich student learning. Year after year, the growth my students have made as a result of this program has been astounding!"
"I have LOVED using Learning Farm for a few years! It was especially helpful when I tutored 21st Century Bilingual kids at another school a few years ago."
"Thank you! Learning Farm is really helpful for my kids and they LOVE it! I’ve been showing the other teachers so I’m trying to get them on board as well!"
"I wish I had found your site earlier in the year. My students are enjoying it and I like all the skill practice. Great job! "
"The kids love this site and it helps out lower performing students so much!"
"Today after showing my principal the website, she was in love with it and wanted me to run it for the school."
"This is fabulous!!! My daughter didn't want to leave school because she was playing Learning Farm!"
"I have NEVER, in all of my 29 years of teaching, come across such support for [our state test]. You have created something that the kids have found to truly help them prepare for that “Big Ugly Test”. You have combined review, practice and “fun practice”. I am “in love” with Learning Farm."
"The kids love the games mixed into their practice and I love how the practice lines up with their standards and the way they are going to be tested."