What teachers are saying ...
4.5 out of 5 stars!
"I came across this. I love it."
"I accidentally came across your site looking for information on comparing and contrasting firsthand and secondhand accounts of the same topic. I fell in love immediately with this site. Thank you!"
"I wanted to let you all know that I LOVE this program. I have recommended you all to many teachers. This program has helped a lot of my struggling students. Thank You!"
"I love learning farm as a tool to use in interventions and everyday classroom activities."
"Hello, I am currently a 4th grade teacher in Mississippi. I came upon your site, and I love it! ... Right now we have Study Island, but that is very pricey, and I am in a school district that is on a very tight budget."
"We love your program, and the students really love it!"
"I love your program!!! It is amazing and has really helped my students and myself."
"I have LOVED using Learning Farm for a few years! It was especially helpful when I tutored 21st Century Bilingual kids at another school a few years ago."
"I love your product and it has helped me with data collection! It has also helped me to focus on areas in which my students need more help."
"I recently set up my classroom's account for Learning Farm and the kids love it."